To install VirtualBox 3.0 on our Ubuntu 9.04 server, we open /etc/apt/sources.list…
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
… and add the following line to it:
deb jaunty non-free
Then we download Sun’s public key:
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add –
update our package database:
sudo aptitude update
Afterwards, we install VirtualBox 3.0 as follows:
sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential virtualbox-3.0 dkms
(The dkms package ensures that the VirtualBox host kernel modules are properly updated if the Linux kernel version changes.)
Creating group ‘vboxusers’
Users of VirtualBox must be members of that group. Host network interfaces will be assigned to that group. <– Ok
Should the vboxdrv kernel module be compiled now? <– Yes
Now we must add the user that will run VirtualBox (administrator in this example) to the vboxusers group:
sudo adduser administrator vboxusers
Using VirtualBox On The Command Line
Creating A VM
To create a VM on the command line, we can use the VBoxManage command. See
VBoxManage –help
for a list of available switches and (highly recommended!) take a look at
I will now create an Ubuntu 9.04 Server VM with 256MB memory and a 10GB hard drive from the Ubuntu 9.04 Server iso image (which I have stored in /home/ubuntu-9.04-server-i386.iso):
VBoxManage createvm -name “Ubuntu 9.04 Server” -register
VBoxManage modifyvm “Ubuntu 9.04 Server” -memory “256MB” -acpi on -boot1 dvd -nic1 nat
VBoxManage createvdi -filename “Ubuntu_9_04_Server.vdi” -size 10000 -register
VBoxManage modifyvm “Ubuntu 9.04 Server” -hda “Ubuntu_9_04_Server.vdi”
VBoxManage registerimage dvd /home/ubuntu-9.04-server-i386.iso
VBoxManage modifyvm “Ubuntu 9.04 Server” -dvd /home/ubuntu-9.04-server-i386.iso
Importing An Existing VM
Let’s assume you have a VM called examplevm that you want to reuse on this host. On the old host, you should have a directory Machines/examplevm in the VirtualBox directory; Machines/examplevm should contain the examplevm.xml file. Copy the examplevm directory (including the examplevm.xml file) to your new Machines directory (if your user name is administrator, this is /home/administrator/.VirtualBox/Machines – the result should be /home/administrator/.VirtualBox/Machines/examplevm/examplevm.xml).
In addition to that copy the examplevm.vdi file from the old VDI directory to the new one (e.g. /home/administrator/.VirtualBox/VDI/examplevm.vdi).
Afterwards, you must register the imported VM:
VBoxManage registervm Machines/examplevm/examplevm.xml
Starting A VM With VBoxHeadless
Regardless of if you create a new VM or import and old one, you can start it with the command:
VBoxHeadless -startvm “Ubuntu 9.04 Server”
(Replace Ubuntu 9.04 Server with the name of your VM.)
VBoxHeadless will start the VM and a VRDP (VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol) server which allows you to see the VM’s output remotely on another machine.
Wil je meer virtuale machines draaien dan start de volgende op met:
VBoxManage modifyvm <vmname> -vrdpport 4777
To learn more about VBoxHeadless, take a look at
VBoxHeadless –help
and at
Starten in windows:
login met remote desktop voor windows op het juiste ip adres
Starten met linux
Tik in de terninal het volgende in:
rdesktop -a 16 <ip adres>
-a 16 betekend 16bit kleurendiepte
Download hier de drivers voor de gast-OS